Sunday, June 25, 2006

some 'events' in the past one month

On 24th may 2006 16:35 PM

Well..this is not exactly 1 month from now.. so wat??

This was the last exam i had to take.It was Parallel Computing an elective paper.

As usual i took more than 50 minutes for the first question hoping to catch up later...which i didnt do. At 16:35 .. i had 25 minutes left before they kick me out of the room and i had to answer for 52 marks! I has wrote for 2 hrs and 35 minutes only to answer for 48 marks (3*16).

This was the last exam.. and seemed like there is going to be a BIG TWIST(ofcourse not a good one) waiting for me!

I wrote with so much speed that even i couldnt read wat i was writing...

Well..some examiner made some sense out of it.. and i PASSED ( i really donno how much i scored ..should be above 60...)

Out of the exam hall, i started to run...

I ran .. ran .. and ran... the atmosphere was filled with people wishing congratuations to each other and people rejoicing at the fact that they had accomplished what they came to the college for...

I ran....

I was a little excited about my accomplishments inside the exam hall and explained it to every1 who would listen to me ... thou it was still difficult to find any1 with ears for me!!

I ran.... very happy that i dont have to get back to these places EVER! (I havent yet gone to my college after that day.. not even to collect the certificates)..NOT that i hated that place.. I really dono for sure what i feel about my college..anyway it doesnt matter....

I ran.... ofcourse not caring who looked at me .. coz its their problem not mine... to bear with me for 1 last time!

I ran through the corridor to the canteen.. I STOPPED on my way to the canteen to see that my bag was open and i dont have purse. My friend was walking with me (somehow managing to keep phase with me).. I gave my bag and all it contents to him...

Now i had a problem. I had a train to catch at 10 PM that night to some hillspot!

I cant miss the bus (which leaves at 5 30 PM) and safely get home and then leave for the railway station.

I turned to run towards the exam hall to get my purse..

But I was stopped by my friend before even i started ..

He gave me my purse back! I had just given him the purse with all the contents of my bag to him..

The canteen forced me to give treat to a few friends and ....